ATM News Network: DeHaat, a leading agri-tech platform, organised an Agri-Business Summit on 24th April 2023 in Purnia, Bihar, for its partner DeHaat Centres (DCs). Around 140 DCs participated in the summit, which aimed to showcase DeHaat's latest agricultural products and discuss ways to improve the agriculture-business in the upcoming financial year.
The summit was a significant event for DeHaat and its partner DCs as it brought together experts and stakeholders to discuss the existing agri-dynamics and the future of agri-business. During the event, the top 5 DCs that performed exceptionally well in the fiscal year 2022-23 were recognized and honoured.
The summit was addressed by DeHaat's Co-Founder Amarendra Singh, Senior Vice President Agri-Input Kamlesh Sharma, and Zonal Business Manager Rakesh Kumar. Their insights and perspectives on the agricultural sector were well received by the attendees, making the summit quite an insightful one for all.
The Agri-Business Summit was an excellent platform for DeHaat and its partner DCs to exchange ideas and knowledge, and the company is looking forward to implementing the outcomes of the summit to make the next financial year a success for the agri-business sector in Bihar.
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